Since CoCoTAX went to LAFCO (Local Area Formation Commission) this past spring and requested that the MT Diablo Health Care District be dissolved there have been numerous newspaper stories, editorials, and an additional Contra Costa Grand Jury report (the fourth). The recent study done by the consultant's hired by LAFCO as part of the dissolution process (the report and background can be found at
came to the same conclusion as CoCoTAX, four separate grand juries, and the Contra Costa Times: dissolution is the practical solution for MDHCD which has a small income relative to expenses, major obligations for retiree health care, and no longer has a hospital to manage. While the tax dollars will not be eliminated, they can be put to better use if distributed to other governmental agencies and eliminating the high administrative costs.
The vote on Wednesday will be a history making step for Contra Costa LAFCO should the opt to begin the dissolution process, and CoCoTAX is proud to have played a major part in the effort. The Grand Jurors who served so ably on the four separate grand juries should be congratulated for their efforts and will hopefully feel vindicated after the Wednesday vote.
Nobody else wanted to press for this effort and it is a role only CoCoTAX was willing to step up and fill. Particular thanks are due to member Richard Soderholm who has been attending the MDHCD meetings for so many years.
Kris Hunt, Executive Director